Data & Registration

Data is an incredibly useful tool that can tell you everything from how many people are in the building to their overall demographics. All of which is going to help control various aspects of your event, not to mention make your marketing efforts stronger in the future too.

As part of our comprehensive range of on-site services, we provide data registration and management for your event. We can supply the software and physical devices on your behalf. This means any capturing of data will be done so safely, securely and efficiently.

Event Registration Data Capture

Event Registration

Think about the old days where you’d write your name on a label and stick it on yourself when turning up to an event. Names would be slowly crossed off a list, which would take ages when processing thousands of attendees. Long queues build up in the meantime, ultimately reducing time spent on the event floor. As an event organiser, it’s your responsibility to make such interactions as seamless as possible, and we’re here to help.

Event registration begins with pre-registration. As all of the details of your attendees or exhibitors will be captured in advance, this will greatly speed things up on the day when people enter the building.

Plus, it allows for the quick scan of I.D badges, the printing of tickets or any similar security and identification tasks. If anyone needs to exit and then reenter the venue, this too will be a speedy process.

As your event takes full swing, you can monitor the activity levels in the venue including the number of people who are concentrated within a particular area. As well as meeting health and safety guidelines and COVID restrictions (if still applicable), you can interpret the data from a business standpoint too.

Exhibition Data Collection

As we alluded to, information collected at your exhibition is useful in the moment as well as after the event too. If all parties involved from the organisers to security, production team and caterers can see how many people are in the building at any one time, this allows them to best delegate their services.

After the event, shareholders and organisers can come together to create reports on everything from the benefit to the local economy to measures taken to improve sustainability. Our method of data capturing and interpretation makes such takes a breeze because everything can be viewed and compiled within a couple of clicks.

We firmly believe such technology will allow event organisers to become more efficient, while simultaneously enhancing the experience for visitors while the event is in progress.

Lead Capturing For Individual Exhibitors

You aren’t just exhibiting an event or tradeshow for fun – you’re doing so to represent your business and ultimately boost its leads. The problem is that the way lead capturing has been done in the past at events whether it be through noting down information on a clipboard or placing business cards in a jar isn’t particularly efficient. Nor does such practices comply with current GDPR requirements either, which prohibits customer data from being publicly accessible

Whatsmore, such techniques are slow to follow up on from a lead perspective. There’s also no guarantee the data is accurate, or that it won’t be lost during transit. With your business leads at stake, this just won’t do, which is why event data and registration must embrace the future.

Now we’ve identified the problems with lead capturing for exhibitors at events, what is the solution? We think it’s simple – a dedicated use of technology and software that easily allows customers to enter their data safely and securely.

With the whole process completed in a matter of seconds, you can focus on your pitch with your customers or investors. The data is easy to compile when you get back to the office so that you can easily add your new contacts to your mailing list, or reach out to them directly to continue your discussions or complete any sales.

Exhibition Stands For Exhibitors

The data capturing systems we can supply for exhibitors can also form part of our exhibition stands, which we will design, transport and build for you.

An exhibition stand must look the part, but it must also facilitate the ability to do business. Whether this is through clever zoning to allow for business discussions, as well as displaying your services through product demonstrations and audiovisuals to attract visitors to your stand.

Factoring in data capturing is the next logical step for us, as we want you to be able to get everything you need out of your exhibition stand. If potential leads can quickly leave their details with you, and any comments or information about products they wish to purchase, we believe this will help you maximise the potential of your attendance.

Event Registration Data Capture

The process will begin by discussing your requirements for the event, so we can draw up a custom plan to incorporate all the elements needed, including data capturing devices or stations. Depending on your business type, you can keep the setup professional to resemble more of a corporate space or allow us to come up with a creative solution that’s more on-brand.

Why Professional Data Capturing & Registration Makes Sense

Exhibitions are designed to be immersive experiences that bring your business to life in front of potentially thousands of new customers. For some, you’ll be a recognised name in the field, and for others, the exhibition will be the first time they have interacted with your business.

Giving the right impression counts, whether it’s a first impression or the most recent one. As a business, the amount of leads you secure is going to be a measure of your success at the event. But when this process feels clunky, or if it’s made to seem more important than what you can truly offer for the customer, it can divert your sales pitch. After all, while you’re there to do business, your customers are there to find products that will be of benefit to them.

If the process of capturing their information to register for the event or be contacted by you in the future becomes effortless, your time can be better spent marketing your business. All of which is going to give you a better opportunity to put your best foot forward with your customers. Plus, you’ll avoid any headaches with data breaches or losses that wouldn’t just be frustrating for you, but would paint your business in a less than favourable light.

Exhibition Logistics

Event Data Capture UK

If you have an event coming up and you’re a venue or individual exhibitor, then Human Built can take care of all your data registration and data capture needs. We take our role seriously, as the solutions not only need to look the part using the latest devices and software but ensure data compliance for everyone involved.

Contact us to tell us more about your event so we can get started. From tried and tested solutions to something a little more bespoke, Human Built will make it happen.